Saturday, July 11, 2015

This is for you

To all the readers of this blog...

The subject which i will be talking about today is a very serious subject. As you can relate from the title this is about self belief. 

Firstly this is something I have experienced my self, but thankfully i had people around me who offered help. Have you ever felt down , thinking your not good enough? I have this is not good and can make you fail in life. No matter what you do always believe in yourself. Every morning when you wake up , an original wakes up. Nobody is like you. When someone has got something to say about you in a negative way, use it to fuel your fire for success. Never let anyone put you down. So make sure you believe in yourself! 

Sunday, July 5, 2015


"It ain't about how hard you it's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward". This is a quote from the famous movie ROCKY it is a quote I live by. It basically means no Matter how hard it is you always need to keep pushing at it you need to keep going. This quote means a lot to me because, firstly Sylvester Stallone is my favorite actor and secondly it means I should never give up.

Friday, July 3, 2015

Dubai , the capital of the world

When people talk about te capital city names like London, New York and others come up. But the name that almost certainly comes up is is Dubai. It's the jewl of not just the United Arab Emirates but the earth. Dubai has scenes from soundless deserts to sky scraping Building including the tallest building on earth which is BURJ KHALIFA it has over 120 floors which is gigantic. There are many many activities to do in this city. You can go visit Dubai mall which has a variety of shops in it. You can also go on desert safaris. This city has never forgot it's background or where it came from. It started when the Bedouins came to the emirates and then brought them together. This is the the capital of the world . This is Dubai!

Thursday, July 2, 2015

First post

This is a page where i will share my events such as photography,blogs and extra. I am a photography fanatic and will share my experiences with all of you.